So, how do you get this label to be on the bottle you ask? It's up to you, the reader. YOU can vote for me by doing the following:
1.Go to http://crushnet.com.
2.Register on the site.
3.Use the search box in the upper left hand corner to search for "Vayniac Nation", don't forget to choose GROUP from the drop down box underneath.
4.Click on VOTE HERE by Gary's picture on the top. (It's small so look closely)
5.Vote for my label, smile, and know that you just did someone a huge favor!
Voting ends March 8, 2009, so please vote soon. Feel free to tell your friends to vote as well. You can and should watch WineLibraryTv at http://winelibrarytv.com , and you can learn more about the wine making services of CRUSHPAD at http://crushpadwine.com
Voting ends March 8, 2009, so please vote soon. Feel free to tell your friends to vote as well. You can and should watch WineLibraryTv at http://winelibrarytv.com , and you can learn more about the wine making services of CRUSHPAD at http://crushpadwine.com
. Thank you all!
Holy Crap, that is amazing Typography. Wutup Rich? It's Eli Z. Here, your fellow designer. Nice blog, keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThanks Eli! I appreciate it, your posts are like the dollars that pizzarias put up on the oven when they first open.