Sunday, August 30, 2009
Braille Wine Labels - Catering to the Blind
Friday, August 28, 2009
Winelabelreview sits in on Wine Library TV
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Banknote hits the WineLibrary

Just an update for all of you. Pete Nixon from Banknote Wines alerted me that his wine (The Vault, Red Blend), with its beautiful labels that I blogged about earlier this year, has been picked up by Gary Vaynerchuk's Wine Library. Congratulations Pete!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sort This Out Cellars
Monday, July 6, 2009
WBW #59 - An Homage to Kushi no Kami.

Richard over at hosts this months theme for WBW. Saké, "rice wine"! As a saké beginner, I went to my local wine store and perused their infinitely small saké selection (shame). As a label lover I looked for the most interesting label, and I have to admit, there wasn't anything that interesting. I was tempted to take trip into NYC to Sayaka Saké Shop (one of a mere handful of "saké only" shops in the US), after looking at their selection online. They have tons of really exotic labels to choose from, but alas, impromptu gallivants into the city for saké are not in my schedule...but one day will be. So I settled for Momokawa Pearl Saké for three reasons. One, the label was one of the more interesting ones available, and it was in a handsome blue bottle. Two, the label said it was a "fruity" saké that should be served chilled, and I wanted to see what that tasted like (most of the ones I had tasted previously were served hot, which I learned is done to mask the impure taste of an older saké, and generally tasted like rocket fuel). Three, it was a true "Nigori Genshu" (antique style, unfiltered) saké, and if I was going to do saké, I wanted to do it "old school".
I brought the bottle to my Thursday art studio night at my friend Pete's house. I usually bring a bottle of wine that nobody has ever tasted before, and this night was no exception. Everyone seemed a little put off by the saké idea, but after my encouragement speech about it being served chilled and it was fruity, I was able to convince a lot of people to try (after all, wine is a social event).
After shaking the bottle and pouring, people were surprised to see, first that I shook the bottle, and second that the saké was not clear, but instead cloudy; milky if you will. "Unfiltered", I told them. Again I was pelted with pessimistic looks. We all tasted together. We'll...fruity was not the first word to cross any one's lips. Reactions such as "creamy" and "salted pineapple" came to mind for many who imbibed. I personally agreed. It was a salty taste with hints of coconut/pineapple (kind of like a salty Malibu Rum with milk). Many did not go for a second sip, but I finished my glass. I used wine glasses to enforce the idea that it was a wine-like beverage. In the end, my glass was coated with the remnants of "rice pulp" which was not very attractive, but I was glad to have tried something I had never tried before. The taste seems to be an acquired one that I will continue to pursue, but in the filtered version from now on.
Thinking back now, I did try a cold filtered saké in a local Japanese restaurant a couple of months ago that was extremely enjoyable. It was a Junmai Daiginjo Jyudan Jikomi. It tasted like sweet flower petals, malty and lemony all at the same time. It was also very fulll bodied as I remember (almost dessert like). In comparison to the Momokawa it was much better, for me.
Kushi no Kami, so I have learned is the ancient god of saké, and I would hope that he is pleased that we are all blogging and reading about his beverage. I have also learned from Beau at Saké that saké is declining in popularity in Japan as it is seen by the younger generation as an older style drink (although there are many saké breweries that are dead set on carrying on the tradition). It seems that the Japanese are instead embracing "real" wine from all parts of the globe. The labels on saké are beautiful (kanji lettering is steeped in tradition and such a graceful art form), and a trip to Sayaka is definitely on the agenda sometime during the summer. If anyone wants to join me and my fellow artists (twitter: @artstudio85) on our next pilgrimage into NYC for gallery hopping and a stop into Sayaka please let me know via email or DM me on twitter @winelabelreview. Thank you Richard for a great topic, and I look forward to reading the rest of the articles on this topic.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Mutt & Lynch Wine Label Design

The winning entry will be made into a label for Mutt & Lynch Winery's limited edition wine that will debut at the winery's Dog Days of Summer on August 8, 2009. This annual event includes wine tasting, dog themed art, and vendor booths to benefit the Healdsburg Animal Shelter. Dogs on leash welcome.
The Wine Label Contest winner will receive one case of the rare and exclusive wine, a featured spotlight on Dog Art Today, and an invitation to attend the Dog Days of Summer in Healdsburg, Sonoma County (travel and accommodations not included.)
Wine Description: A Dry Creek Valley Meritage, which is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot that is aged in 100% French oak for 18 months. Only 500 bottles of this rare and exclusive wine will be produced. The wine will retail for $25 a bottle, with 10% of the sales benefiting the Healdsburg Animal Shelter.
Voting runs until midnight PST, Friday, June 19, 2009. Please take a moment and click on the title of this post and place your vote for old #13.
Artwork Explanation: This is an artwork that was created exclusively for the label contest, it is not a previous work of mine that I have regurgitated for the sake of entering the contest. I included two dogs to represent the two vatietals used to create the wine, and I have put them on and next to a French Oak barrel to represent the barrel used for the aging process. I have also left the work untitled because I know that Mutt & Lynch are infamous for using clever word play for the names of their wines (so I left it up to them). In addition, I left adequate spacing on the top and left so that when text is added, it would not interfere with the artwork.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wine Blogging Wednesday (WBW) #58: Label this one "Too Heavy"
After trying to eliminate segments with editing to get it down to 1GB, it just wasn't possible (and I wasn't going to do a two-parter). Every minute was filled with great information and compelling video, but alas it will "never" be seen. I also had my first guest on the show as well as a surprise ending, and it will all be done again (within the limits of cyberspace video) and presented in a non WBW format. The video blog recorded last night WILL appear on the Lost Episodes DVD that will be released sometime in the distant future. HA!
My apologies go out to the wine blogging community for trying to be an over-achiever, the winelabelreview fan base and my sincere apologies to Katie Pizzuto at (aka @gonzogastronomy on Twitter) for not starting sooner and knowing my limits. I will however make mention of my results from WBW #58 in the next video blog. Again, I - am - sorry!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Banknote Wine Company

BNWC: Initially it was more of a subconscious decision to get in the wine business that started over 10 years ago. My other life is a graphic designer; I’ve been in the wine label design business for the last 15 years, helping start new brands for up and coming winemakers. When I’m designing these new wine brands, it helps in the design process to take ownership of the projects and think of them as if they were my own brand, to treat them the way I would if I was the winery owner. Thinking that way long enough I guess evolved from just a design process into a serious interest in a future way of making a living.
The conscious decision to actually take the plunge into the wine business was a few years ago, it was basically the realization that my three biggest hurdles actually were achievable. It was the perfect convergence of finding, 1. the winemaker, 2. a good source of fruit, and 3. the capital to bankroll the company, all at the same time. During a meeting with a client and friend, winemaker William Knuttel, talk turned to the dream I had of starting my own brand. I explained my ideas of the brand and what I was someday hoping to achieve. After a few hours of discussion (and a few glasses of Zin), William graciously agreed to make wine for Banknote and to help my dream turn to reality. William has years of winemaking experience (Chalk Hill and Saintsbury to name a few), and he also has lots of great sources for excellent fruit, two of my biggest hurdles solved. The financing was the easy part, I borrowed it!
WLR: How long has BANKNOTE been in production?
BNWC: We did a small run of Zinfandel last year in select markets, mainly just to test the multiple label concept, but aside from that, the 2006 Napa Valley red blend “The Vault” is our first official release.
WLR: How did you choose the name BANKNOTE WINE COMPANY?
BNWC: Coming up with the name was the easiest part of this whole process. I came up with the concept of using banknotes for labels years ago, long before I decided to make wine. At the time it was just a design idea I thought I was going to pose to a winery, I didn’t bother thinking of the name, since the wineries usually supply me with that part. So when I decided to make wine and use the banknote concept for myself, the name “Banknote Wine Company” kind of just fell into place. They say you should use your name as your brand name, but my last name is Nixon, so I figured that wasn’t really the best option.
WLR: Why did you choose Zinfandel as the base of your blends? Do you have any plans on expanding your selections to other varietals?
BNWC: I chose Zinfandel as the base of the blend because that’s what I like to drink. I’m a huge Zinfandel fan, I also love Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon, so those are the 3 varietals I chose to make up my blend.
Right now my plan is to focus on the Napa Valley red blend, but I’m not totally counting out other varietals in the future.
WLR: Did you have to apply for any special permission to use the images on your labels?
BNWC: No, because they are all so old copyrights don’t apply. Images fifty years old or so are public domain, let alone 150 years old. I was a little concerned ttb (the governmental agency that has to approve all wine labels) was going to have some issues with my labels, since some of the labels mention states, but luckily they all passed.
WLR: You offer twelve different label designs, how did you select the ones you offer?
BNWC: I have been collecting banknotes for many years as a hobby, basically I started with the favorites from my personal collection, and then weeded out the ones that just didn't work for one reason or another. Either the colors were not right, or the design didn’t work that well within restrictions of my layout, or else they didn’t reproduce as well as I had hoped.
Certain banknotes look great for the sake of art, but just wrong as a wine label. Bright green or pink type looks great on some banknotes, but you wouldn’t want it on your dinner table at a fancy restaurant.
WLR: How would the number of label designs you offer be affected if your wines were sold in retail?
WBNC: They are sold in retail in a few wine shops. There is some concern whether customers will get confused when they try to find the wine again, and the label they originally saw might not be in stock. However I have faith that my customers will figure out that the wine is the same, only the labels change. It is however an experiment. The multiple label concept has never really been done before to this extent that I’m aware of.
WLR: Have the original banknote designs been altered in any way? If so, what did you do to them?
BNWC: No, I only cropped them to fit the bottle in the most interesting way I could. I also slightly adjusted the colors, since many of them were too dark, but I didn’t change the art, they were perfect as they are.
WLR: Do you have any information on the original artists who created the banknotes you use? What is the history behind them?
BNWC: No, I don’t know anything about the artists, I wish I did. I’m guessing they were employees of American Banknote Company, which is the company that printed most of the banknotes of that era.
I’ve always been blown away by the amount of detail in banknotes, and the fact that the artist was engraving the illustrations into a steel plate at 100% size is just amazing. I can’t even begin to imagine the concentration, steady hand and talent that must have been necessary to complete such a beautiful piece of work.
If the original artists are watching up there somewhere, I hope they are happy with the fact they can now add “wine label illustrator” to their resumé.
WLR: Has the current economic situation in the United States had any influence on the sale of your wine? Do you think people are influenced by the label design?
BNWC: Sales are slow for everyone right now, but things are getting better. I have several new distributors picking up Banknote Wine in the near future, so sales are not a worry for me. My distributor in New York is selling Banknote really well.
I’m sure people are influenced by the designs in one way or another. I’m hoping some people will want to buy several bottles because they want more than one label to take to a party or give as a gift. But I’m sure some “serious” wine drinkers will think it’s a gimmick and not even try the wine. You can’t please them all; I just hope the majority are influenced in a positive way.
WLR: Is the wine getting any reviews?
BNWC: The Vault just won Double Gold “Best-of-Class” from the 2009 SF Chronicle wine competition, the very first contest I entered. It’s the largest competition of American wines in the world, so I had some tough competition. Best-of-Class means it was the judges unanimous favorite of all the Double Golds in my category of Red Blends, so I was pretty honored to get such a prestigious award.
WLR: How and where can people purchase your wine?
BNWC: The best way to purchase Banknote wine would be from my website,, I can ship to most states without any problems.
I would also be happy to email a current list of wine shops in your area that carry Banknote Wine, just send me an email through my website.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
An Open Invitation
winelabelreview invitation to show from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
I am accepting submissions of wine labels "on bottles" for review on the show. You can e-mail me at so we can discuss the details. Hope to hear from you soon!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Episode 4: Fire Road
winelabelreview episode 4 from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
Rich Ritter takes a look at 2008 Fire Road Pinot Noir.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wine Blogging Wednesday #57: California Inspiration

Thursday, May 7, 2009
episode 3: Big Tattoo White
winelabelreview episode 3: Big Tattoo White from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
Host Richard Ritter makes his suggestion for a wine for Mother's Day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Who puts the wine in swine?

I found this image (at left) on the net. It was a trial project for Fyffe Family Vineyards.

These labels are pretty comical. My favorites are "Flying Pig" and "Pig in the House". I wonder if the sale of these wines is being affected by the Swine Flu, I can't truthfully believe it is. I tried to find a wine with an "S" on the label (for swine) but had no luck. The only wines I think might be affected by the Swine Flu may be ones that state, "...pairs well with pork."
I've had the El Jamon Tempernillo before and remember it being pretty good. I think I'll enjoy another bottle of it for #winewednesday on Twitter today!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Labels: Does funny equal bad?
Be it an event, special occasion or gift, labels help us make a selection. Sharing wine with the people we love only helps the matter further. Choosing a label that fits the occasion or event we are going to, shows that we care and took the time to find something that made sense. Anyone can grab the foo-foo label or the one that costs a little more than we wanted to spend, but the person who comes in with the bottle that has a label that makes people smile or giggle will probably be the one they remember. If the "clever label" wine is a bust, at least the label did its job ... and if it's good... then it's that much easier to remember when you see it again on the shelf. On the other hand, if it's a "not so memorable label" and the wine stinks, then you run the risk of buying it again without even knowing it. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me're so damn common looking that I couldn't tell the difference.
Today I walked the aisles of my local wine shop and asked people if they thought the wine I was holding in my hands was good. The first bottle I picked up had a fancy name and an elaborate family crest on the label. 3 out of 4 times I got a response along the lines of, "It looks must be good" or "I don't know, it seems like it should be good by the way it looks". They were influenced by the label on the wine, (by the way, it was a dirt cheap bottle that shall remain nameless, and I have tried it before, and it's not very good, according to my taste).
I then held up a bottle with a picture of a cute goofy looking dog on the label and repeated the process. The answers changed a little bit and people's expressions changed as well. I got responses such as, "It's cute...give it a shot" and "I wouldn't trust it, I think I'd try something else". Goofy dogs = poorly made wine? I happen to like the wine and buy it often, (but that's just my opinion).
All in all, you never can tell. Labels should show the creativity and attitude of the people behind the wine. The process of making wine is creative in and of itself, so why shouldn't the design of the label on the bottle follow in the same vein? Sometimes I think winemakers put so much thought and effort into the wine that they run out of steam when it comes to the label ... or maybe they just can't express themselves visually. Wine is a journey ... and labels are like the road maps we follow. Sometimes you just want to get where you want to go ... and other times you don't care and just want to take a ride. I'm all for taking a ride. Wine is passion, and the passion should show in everything connected to the wine, especially the label.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
winelabelreview Video Blog #2: Stephen Hall/Fulcrum Wines
winelabelreview Video Blog #2 from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
Artisit Stephen Hall talks about his art career and his involvement in the creation of the label for Fulcrum Wines. You can see more of Stephen's work at, and you can check out the wines from Fulcrum at Be sure to contact Stephen via his site and tell him how much you enjoy his artwork. You can request pricing on his pieces as well. Fulcrum Wines are available by mailing list and in select restaurants only. Join their mailing list via the website.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Video Episode 1 Stags Leap Vineyards
Rich explains the meaning behind the Stags Leap name and gives you information on the artist who created the label artwork.
winelabelreview episode 1: Stags Leap from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
Monday, April 6, 2009
LOOK! The opening clip for upcoming episodes!
winelabelreview intro from Richard Ritter on Vimeo.
This is the intro for upcoming video episodes on this blog. I am looking for suggestions for the first couple of labels I review. Submit your choices in the comments below.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dynamic Wine Labels...COOL!
Dynamic Wine Labels from andrerib on Vimeo.
Dynamic Wine Labels....COOL! Use your mobile phone's camera to find reviews, ratings, prices and locations to purchase the wine bottle in your hand. The QR Code is the link to all the information. It could also be removed and stored in an album. What are your thoughts?
Monday, March 30, 2009
The Future of Wine Labels?
Check this video out. I was very impressed. This is gettinig interesting!
Dynamic Wine Labels on the Google Phone from andrerib on Vimeo.
The labels stay where they are in NY.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Purple Teeth Cellars: Fun Serious Wines

PTC: We met on vacation in July, 2002. I was in NYC and Marc lived in Seattle. A lot of wacky things happened along the way that got us to 2006, when we got married.
WLR: When did you two decide to produce a wine? How did the conversation go?
PTC: In 2007, we decided that we wanted to take our interest in wine to a new level but one that we could do together. We also knew that we didn’t want to be full-time winemakers because we wanted to run the business the way we wanted to, and not be burdened by cutting corners just to make numbers. Wine for us is fun, and it is critical that it remains that way. I'm sure in the initial conversations, we were drinking wine which may have help faciliate the process. [ahem] We had to decide on a name. We settled on Purple Teeth Cellars because while we enjoy premium wines, we are not formal people. We wanted people to have a laugh when they saw our bottle. And given Marc’s propensity for his teeth to turn purple, it was a perfect name. Since we tend to favor reds, the name seemed to be a perfect match. The name was a piece of cake in comparison with coming up with the label design!
WLR: Who created your label design, (if it wasn't you, how much input did you have in the creative process)? What was the process like?
PTC: Our initial design was created by Andrea Vasata, a very close family friend that has a strong interest in this kind of thing. It was very iterative. Lots of back and forth. The problem was that when people heard the name ‘Purple Teeth Cellars’, they tended to laugh and smile as they could relate to the name. It was very challenging to come up with a design that elicited that same response. You want to keep the goodwill built up with the name in the design, and not have a ‘drop-off’ where folks are disappointed. We had a number of rounds and presented options to our family and friends, who fortunately are well versed in giving us honest feedback. The 1st 2 designs we came up with didn’t work. We had feedback ranging from “I feel like the logo is for a dentist’s office” to “It wasn’t what I was expecting given the name”. Clearly if we wanted to do "this" right, we had a lot of work to do.
WLR: What was the inspiration for your label design?
PTC: As mentioned above, we were running into some challenges coming up with something that was in sync with the name. I was talking to my sister and she just blurted out something along the lines of “What about mimicking the style of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ album cover?”. Andrea really liked the idea and that’s when it all started to come together. Andrea got us about 90% there and then we had a professional designer tie up the loose ends. It was a truly a team effort, including everyone giving us feedback. We’re really happy with the label for Purple Teeth Cellars, and have received a good deal of positive feedback on it.
WLR: What kinds of wine do you produce, and where are they sourced and manufactured?
PTC: We took a trip to the Rhone in France in 2004, and it was definitely a “game changer” for us in terms of appreciating wine and learning what we liked and didn’t like. So based on that trip and our subsequent experiences, we decided that we were going to focus on exclusively Rhone-style varietals. These include, but are not limited to, Syrah, Grenache, Mouvedre, Couniose, Roussane and Viognier. We currently produce a Petite Sirah from Eaglepoint Ranch in Mendocino County (CA), a Syrah from Alder Springs Ranch in Mendocino County (CA), and a Syrah from White Hawk Vineyard in Santa Barbara County (CA). We bring our grapes into San Francisco and manufacture our wine using a shared facility which really helps keep down the costs for Purple Teeth Cellars.
WLR: Where can people get a bottle of your wine, and where can you ship to currently?
PTC: Wine shipping is probably the most frustrating part of this business. The laws are archaic and are not geared towards helping small winemakers get a foothold in the community. As such, we only sell through our website – We can only ship within the US and to certain states. If you go to our website, we have an option where you can check if we can ship to your state. We can ship to most, but there are still a few holdouts like PA and MD. We’re trying! We did just get approval to ship to AZ, CT, MA, NJ and OH!
WLR: If you produced a white varietal, what would you calll it?
PTC: Now that is top secret. We do have a name in mind though. But you’ll be one of the first to know once we do it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Vayniac Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 Label Design Winner

Friday, March 6, 2009
Washington State Labels in the News

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This label is a contender

So, how do you get this label to be on the bottle you ask? It's up to you, the reader. YOU can vote for me by doing the following:
Voting ends March 8, 2009, so please vote soon. Feel free to tell your friends to vote as well. You can and should watch WineLibraryTv at , and you can learn more about the wine making services of CRUSHPAD at
Sunday, March 1, 2009
New York Wine Expo 2009 - best in show

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Blog #1 - The Beginning
In the meantime please answer our first question:
"Does the LABEL on a bottle of wine influence your purchase?" Please include your opinions and any stories you have about how a LABEL influenced you. I look forward to seeing them and responding to your posts.